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Facebook Causes Divorce-Things You Must Know!


Facebook has been the most reputed social media platform that an extremely large number of subscribers from all over the world. This social media platform has good and bad impacts that people must be aware of. Apart from establishing social relationships, Facebook has contributed a lot in bringing significant advantages to the businesses of all types. As far as deciding human relationships is concerned, Facebook has been very critical here. Prominent divorce lawyers in Kolkata believe that Facebook causes divorce.

Recent studies devised by the American Academy of Matrimonial

Lawyers believe that Facebook has been involved in a large number of divorce cases. The Journal of Cyberpsychology has come up with studies that showed similar drifts. Here are a few queries that you must know to find out the truth about Facebook's causes of divorce.

How many divorces are caused by Facebook?

Instead of providing the number, it is found that Facebook is involved in more than 66% of the divorce case that takes place all over the world. The number is simply alarming, in the opinion of expert divorce lawyers in Kolkata.

Can Facebook cause breakups?

Yes, certainly! Divorce is the ultimate result of breakups in the human relationships. Here, people often indulge themselves in false relationships and their goal is to exploit one another. Due to this, people with some real-life commitment suffer as their relationships break forever.

Can social media break up a marriage?

Yes, you may find thousands of cases all around where married relationships are facing tremendous challenges these days. People always try to establish a romantic relationship with known or unknown people. Their intentions can never be good and healthy and that always results in a breakup in the marriage.

How many divorces happen because of social media?

Like Facebook, people often use so many other social media platforms. They are also popular and they also result in extremely harmful impacts on the society and social relationships. The outcome of such relationships is always harmful and it results in divorce.

If you keep an eye on the day-to-day news reports in the newspapers and TV to find the alarming rate of these cases that are caused due to Facebook and other social media channels and platforms. You should easily understand that these cases can be reduced with a deep sense of social responsibility.

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